IGA Allambie Heights Embraces Bush Cookies

By: Admin   On: 10 August 2018 

IGA Allambie Heights Embraces Bush Cookies IGA Allambie Heights Embraces Bush Cookies

When looking for a stockist of gourmet cookies for a high tea party you will find the Sydney store with possibly the widest range of gourmet Bush Cookie flavours is IGA Allambie Heights.

The local IGA store at Allambie Heights is almost a "Hidden Gem".

Whilst it has a standard store frontage to the street, you will be quite surprised at how deep and wide the store is inside.

The store has a great range of fruit & veg, flowers and the wide range of grocery brands that you have come to know at IGA stores but it has a large and well stocked delicatessen area with some great cheeses and specialty goods, that you don’t always expect.

IGA Allambie heights is also noted as a store that has probably the biggest range of Bush Cookies brand gourmet biscuits & cookies.

Bush Cookies are noted throughout the Sydney region as the best handmade gourmet cookies for a high tea party and something you should always have a packet of in your pantry for when guests come around.

The local IGA store at Allambie Heights has a large shelving area next to the delicatessen section exclusively stocked with all the delicious Bush Cookies range.

You will enjoy shopping locally when you shop at IGA Allambie Heights. And their opening hours are just great.

IGA Allambie Heights
Address: 15 Grigor Place, Allambie Heights NSW 2100
Hours: 7am- 8PM - 7 Days

Phone: (02) 9452 1607