Amazon Power Acai 20 year Milestone.

By: admin   On: 24 May 2024 

Amazon Power Acai 20 year Milestone. Amazon Power Acai 20 year Milestone.

Amazon Power - Acai Berry. A Great Australian Sucess Story.

Americo Tognetti, (the Acai Guy) has reached a 20-year milestone for his innovative business in 2024. Americo, a Brazilian and keen surfer, launched his import and distribution business then after 3 years of groundwork. Americo has grown his business with hard work and dedication and great customer service.

Amazon Power, through his hard work and a dedicated team, use their social media marketing and a great website where Americo has been teaching Australian’s how to prepare Acai Berry for consumption like the locals do in Brazil.

Because Amazon Power is the largest buyer of Acai worldwide, they are able to ensure the highest quality Acai at the most competitive price.

Americo says "The company also strives to protect the environment, which is why they only use berries that have been manually harvested, ensuring the protection of the palm trees that the Acai berries grow on." "Also, Manual harvesting of the berries also provides hundreds of jobs for the indigenous tribes around Brazil and helps minimise the human trafficking and deforestation that these tribes would otherwise partake in to make ends meet".

Amazon Power's Original Acai Berry products are now stocked throughout Australia in over 2000 retailers, food services, gyms etc.

The Acai Bowl is popular in Cafes and take-away stores throughout Australia. A key ingredient of a good Acai bowl is a healthy and crunchy granola. Opera Foods though its subsidiary Mulberry Tree, manufacture a great range of crunchy vegan granola and Gluten Free Vegan granolas designed for the Acai Bowl or granola bowl. Cafe suppliers Opera Foods are proud to be associated with this innovative Australian Company