Vegetable Powder - Going Beyond Greens
By: admin On: 2 June 2023

The power of veggie powder. An excellent way to boost the nutrient content of your diet.
Vegetable powder is often overlooked in the search for superfood supplements, yet is a valuable addition to your superfood store cupboard. In the nutrition stakes, greens powder generally gets all the glory. Yet, whilst it may be true that green leafy veg are some of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet, the overall goal of nutrition is one of variety, and vegetable powder has a lot of good things to offer.
The power of veggie powder
Veggie powders are an excellent way to boost the nutrient content of your diet, especially if this is one area in which your diet is lacking. Despite increased nutritional knowledge, and the increase of interest in all things plant-based, many people do not get enough vegetables in their daily diet.
Vegetable powder is made of dehydrated vegetables that have been ground to a fine powder. They have a much longer shelf life than fresh produce, and retain their nutrient value for longer too. They take up less space and are also easy and convenient to use. Not only do they make a great addition to smoothies, but are also an excellent way of sneaking extra vegetable goodness into your cooking. Add to soups and stews, dips and dressings, or even cakes and breads.
Other than our popular greens powders we have two kinds of vegetable powder; beetroot, and carrot.
Nutrients in Greens
Green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, and even broccoli, all share a basic nutritional profile although each does have it's own special brand of magic.
These plants are all rich in the life essence chlorophyll and abundant in minerals; especially calcium, iron and sulphur. They are also excellent sources of vitamins C, and K, and are chock-full of anti inflammatory antioxidants.
Greens support bone health, provide major antioxidant support, help to lower cholesterol, and have anti-cancer properties.
Nutrients in Carrots
Carrots are well known for their starring role in promoting eye health. Rich in beta-carotene, as well as antioxidant lycopene and lutein, they help us to maintain good eyesight. But there is more to carrots than eye health.
High in the insoluble fibre pectin, that is also abundant in apples. It helps to regulate blood sugar levels by slowing down digestion and decreasing the uptake of sugars. It also decreases the absorption of cholesterol so is effective in helping to lower total cholesterol levels.
A good source of the mineral potassium, which is essential for the fluid balance within cells, carrots can also help to regulate blood pressure.
Carrots also contain silicon, for healthy skin and nails.
Nutrients in Beetroot
Beetroot contains a unique group of antioxidants known as betacyanins. Responsible for their deep purple colour, these protective pigments offer support to the liver, help to improve circulation, and purify the blood. Not just an old wives tale!
Along with iron, that feeds the red blood cells with oxygen, the antioxidants in beetroot detoxify the liver and purify the blood by promoting excretion of toxins.
Also rich in potassium, beetroot is highly effective at lowering blood pressure.
More Benefits of Vegetable Powders
Carrot powder and beetroot powder have another advantage over greens powder. They add sweetness. Not sugar-rush sweetness, but the sweet taste that is often needed to round out flavours and make food more palatable. Green smoothies aside, a spoonful of carrot powder will round out any residual bitterness in a tomato sauce way better than a pinch or two of sugar. Mix beetroot powder into cacao powder to add sweetness without sugar or sweeteners. This blend has tons of uses, but try dusting it over popcorn. It's great!
Have you explored our range of store cupboard superfoods? Available to buy in bulk online now! Boost Nutrients vegetable powders are all made from 100% organic Australian grown produce.